Friday, April 11, 2008

Characterizing your style for attending

1. List the kinds of media you use/read/engage with on a daily basis. Is your pattern for interacting with media the same or different than it was when you were 5? 10? 15? Give short descriptions to explain.

  • Internet
  • Text Books
  • Literature
  • music
  • tv
  • I think that my interaction with media is very different than when I was younger because it was much simpler back then. You just read in a book. Now if I have assignments they are posted online, require me to read them online or print them, do research online, get assignments through e-mail. When on the internet for this things there are a million other things going on in the backround that you sway to such as advertisements or hyperlinks that take you in other directions.

2. Rank the relative amount of time you presently spend with each medium -- be as specific as you can

  • Internet - 4 hours a day
  • Text - 1 hour a day
  • Literature - 1/2 hour a day
  • As I said before most of my classes require me to use the internet.

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